Project A-Ko

Tim Eldred and Ben Dunn. Malibu/US Manga Corps

Yep another pseudo-manga title. My first reaction to this one was here is an example of the comic book industry trying to make money from anime.

This comic seems to be based on the US Manga Corp. subtitled, and Manga Video dubbed anime! It even has a credit to Laurence Guinness. All I can say is if I were making a comic from anime, I would get the original script and not abridge an already abridged mucked about version.

Putting the soap box away, and trying to be positive, it's colourful! I read issue one and flicked through issue 2 and then wished I could cancel my subscription for issues 3 and 4.

If you're a fan of Project A-KO don't buy this comic! US Manga Corp. make great videos, but if this is a good example of their comics they should stick to the videos! [Steve Whitcher]