
by Peter Evans

A brief review - I have no intention of becoming a sage or luminary on this subject, I leave that to more dedicated fans.


This is a short run TV series based on the equally short-running manga by Masakazu Katsura.

The Manga

42(?) "Data" with a pointless ending. It was quite enjoyable up to the psychic madness. All the usual hallmarks of his works are there. The anamorphic camera angles designed to show just how tight Karin's underwear is, etc...

The Characters

Junta Momonari: The hero he's so allergic to girls that he is always throwing up.

Tomoko Saeki: She fancies him, or does she prefer Ryuji?

Karin Aoi: Troublemaker from the future. Here to prevent the Mega- Playboy. Mission objective: Stekina Danna-san, Kawaii pet, Sweet Sweet Home!

Ami Kurimoto: The only girl that Junta isn't allergic to. They've known each other since kindergarten.

Kotomi Takanashi:

Ryuji Sugashita: Rival to Junta, psychotic egotistical type.

Kakimaru Someya: Classmate of Junta.

Ichigo Ichikawa: Ditto.

The TV Series

Episode 1 (Broadcast 7/10/94):

Based on the manga - Data 1. This will be very brief as it was a long time ago.

Very like the manga. Karin arrives from the future to find the future Mega-Playboy and put him out of their misery. He's got 100 women pregnant!

Junta is in Tomoko's apartment. He is horribly allergic to girls, and the mere thought of what Tomoko is not wearing under her towel is enough to make him gero-gero.

At school, Ryuji and Tomoko have a falling out of sorts, he is selfishly concerned about his superior DNA.

Karin finds him, talks to him to prove that he is the one, then shoots him with the magic bullet. She flees, leaving Junta as if dead.

Ryuji rings Tomoko up that night to make amends, but the girl he is with blows that chance for him.

Junta walks to Tomoko's apartment in a daze, he comes around remembering little of previous events beyond an abunai-onna-no-ko. He pays her a visit.

Suddenly, Junta is not allergic any more, he can say the things every girl wants to hear...

But Ryuji is in the elevator on the way up!

Episode 2 (Broadcast 14/10/94):

Based on the manga Data 2. And parts of Data 5/6 changed.

Junta doesn't kiss Tomoko then. He leaves, just in time to avoid ... Ryuji, who is deeply annoyed to find that she now spurns him. He wonders who it is that has won Tomoko from him.

Junta thinks he is cured. To prove it, he takes Ami's father's Ecchi book and looks at it. Gero-gero, he's not cured. He gets no sleep as all he can thing about is the blue-haired girl.

Karin is stuck in this time until she sorts this problem out, Ryuji is jealous and spies on Tomoko to find out who it might be. After school, Junta finds a note in his locker asking him to meet at the Kissaten (K2R). He thinks it is Karin, and runs all the way.

But it is Tomoko. Ryuji is watching from his red Rolls-Royce. He is so upset he sends his three goons in to beat up Junta. Just then, Ami and Kotomi are walking past and they see Junta with Tomoko.

The goons interrupt Tomoko and Junta, poor Tomoko takes a beating as the goons get a little rough, slicing up her uniform. She screams for Junta to rescue her, but he can't. Ami runs in and hits the goon with a chair, it has no effect. The goon punches her in the face.

Junta powers up! He can teleport! It takes him only 3 seconds to lay out the bad guys. All the girls are making eyes at him.

Ryuji orders his chauffeur to drive away, he is not happy. Karin jumps down but finds Junta's power too much for her and faints?

Episode 3 (94/10/21):

Based on the manga combination of Data 3 and 4.

The next morning, Ami-Chan wonders what came over Junta last night. Junta is still asleep according to his mother. (They live opposite each other in very traditional shop/houses).

Junta wakes up to find he is nose to pants with a pair of pink lacy ones. Anyone else, this would be erotic, he just about avoids barfing. Karin is asleep in her underwear in his bed! She is as shocked as he is! He thinks "Kawaii..." and powers up. Karin is lost, though she tries to resist his power...

Luckily, or unluckily depending on ones perspective, they are interrupted by Ami. He hides Karin under his blanket. Oops, he accidentally touches Karin's bottom while trying to keep Ami from finding out about the girl in his bed.

Karin screams, Ami flees in disgust and Junta's mother wonders what is wrong. She goes up to find out. She finds Junta and girl arguing and thinks it is so sweet, she always thought he'd marry Ami. She leaves the two young lovers to argue.

Karin gently thumps Junta in the solar plexus and leaves him to sleep while she pursues Ami. The girl is delivering ramen for her father. Apparently today is a festival day, so Karin is really excited (to her, they are only historical things). She

tells Ami that Junta loves her and that he wants to meet her at the shrine at 8 that night.

Then Karin tells Junta the same thing. Her plan is to make them fall in love, settle down and prevent Junta from having the opportunity to sleep with 100 women!

Ami and Junta meet under the lamp at the back of the shrine. However, he can't say "thank you" despite Karin's urging. Suddenly, he thinks she is cute and the power comes. He says the magic words and Karin is over the moon or at least, the roof. Fireworks explode and Ami hits Junta for using his Playboy powers on her, she runs away. Oops!

Karin can't understand what went wrong.